Learn to heal and energize.
Know how energy can cure from diseases.
Complement with traditional medicine to recover faster.
Pranic healing is based on 2 important principles – Energy and Chakras. The Basic pranic healing course makes you understand and feel the concept of energy and also how to use this energy to heal the chakras in our body. Most of the diseases can be healed by just cleaning and energizing the chakras through energy. Pranic Healing is not intended to replace orthodox medicine but rather to complement it. If an ailment is severe or symptoms persist, please consult immediately a medical doctor and a reputable Pranic Healer.
Problems - Diseases
Cancer, low vitality, arthritis, blood ailments
Sex-related problems and bladder ailments
Kidney problems
Constipation and other intestines diseases
General weakness and blood ailments
High Cholesterol, Diabetes, Ulcer, Hepatitis
Heart and Lung ailments
Throat illness like goiter, sore throat, asthma
Allergy, asthma, endocrine glands diseases
Diseases related to the nervous system
Pineal gland diseases and the brain
Solutions - Healing the Chakras
Basic Chakra or Mooladhara Chakra
Sex Chakra or Swadhisthana Chakra
Meng Mein Chakra
Navel Chakra or Nabhi Kamalam
Spleen Chakra or Prana Chakra
Solar Plexus Chakra or Manipura Chakra
Heart Chakra or Anahata Chakra
Throat Chakra or Visuddhi Chakra
Ajna Chakra
Forehead Chakra or Lalaata Chakra
Crown Chakra or Sahasrara Chakra
By healing the chakras, all these diseases can be healed and many more. The Basic Pranic Healing Course gives Knowledge of Energy and how by Healing the corresponding chakras of the affected part with energy, it can recover and cure faster.
The course is all about Energy and the Chakras in our body. In the course, one will learn and feel energy and know the procedure to cure and recover from diseases and illness.
Duration of the Basic Pranic Healing course is 2 days.
How to use energy to heal the different parts of our body when we are sick.
Approximately from 4000-5000 INR.
Authorised Pranic Healing Instructors will conduct the course.
You can contact any pranic healing centre near you for the course and also to check on the online courses.
I clearly remember the day when i did the Basic Pranic Healing Course. After the workshop. I attempted to heal my friend. She was into tears due to terrible muscle pain. After 15-20 minutes of healing, I was very happy because the pain had gone. it was a life time experience for me to become a Pranic Healer.
I can only say; Pranic Healing works! It is a matter of practising to be able to build up confidence, for my own good and to be able to lead others to discover this healing system. It just makes sense! Learning how to access the prana around me – in the air, the trees, the ground, my environment – was one of the most beautiful moments. It has literally opened my eyes (and my heart) to my own world, and I know this will be a life-changing course of study for me. I am looking forward to the Advanced Pranic Healing and Pranic Psychotherapy.
Contact Biswajit
+91 9830452211