Chakras or whirling energy centers are very important parts of the energy body or Aura. How many chakras are there? Are there seven or more? How important are chakras important to your spiritual, mental, emotional and physical well being? Some ancient Indian books and modern authors have written about 7 chakras, In the Bhagavad Gita, Lord Krishna mentions the city with 9 gates. These correspond to nine major chakras, The Upnishads mentions a city with 11 gates that is equated to the 11 major chakras systems, The Kabbalistic system has 10 energy centers plus one hidden energy center – a total of 11 chakras, Truth is dynamic, not static. This is the basis behind progress.
This handbook puts together teachings of Master Choa Kok Sui on the energy body and its major chakras. He first publicly revealed the secret of the major 11 chakras in 1987, in his book The Ancient Science and Art of Pranic healing, now retiled Miracles Through Pranic Healing. Later in 2000, he further revealed the existence of a 12th chakra in his book Achieving Oneness with the Higher Soul formerly tiled Meditation for Soul Realization. Based on a lifetime of research and experimentation on life energy or Prana. The author transformed abstruse ideas into simple concepts and energy principles with practical applications. His work demystified ancient teachings such as Pranic Healing and Arhatic Yoga making them scientific, standardized and accessible to modern man.